Crawford Products offers a wide range of rivets from some of the most respected names in the rivet industry…names like Huck, Avdel Rivets, and Emhart. Crawford stocks rivets from these manufacturers in almost every configuration and material combination available. And, what we don’t have in stock, we can get for you quickly and at a highly competitive cost.
So, whatever your industry or application, just choose the style of rivet that best suites your needs, or contact us for help in developing your particular specifications.

Structural Blind Rivets
These heavy-duty two-piece breakstem rivets require a drilled or punched hole but need no access to the backside of the assembly. These rivets will provide joint integrity in high-strength applications, in a variety of materials, diameters and head styles.
Solid Rivets
Solid rivets are the most fundamental one-piece rivet requiring access to both sides of the assembly, pressure applied to the rivet from one side and resistance to the other. The resulting compression creates hole-fill ensuring joint integrity. These rivets are available in a wide range of materials, diameters and head styles.
Semi-Tubular Rivets
These one-piece rivets are manufactured with a recess in one end, and require access to both sides of the work-piece. When inserted into the hole and compressed by deformation with a mating tool at the recessed end, a high clamping results and a low set-profile is achieved on the backside. These rivets are available in a wide range of materials, diameters and head styles.
Breakstem Rivets
This ever-popular and efficient two-piece rivet was originally engineered by inserting a nail into a tubular body. By applying traction power to the nail while restraining the tube, the nail would break, as designed, producing the “pop” sound that coined the common term “pop rivet”. Today the stem/nail can be designed to break at various positions to achieve a variety of effects: flush appearance, low-compression for friable materials, high-compression for clamp-up etc. These rivets are available in a wide range of materials, diameters and head styles.
Self-Piercing Rivets
These rivets need no predrilled holes. Their installation achieves penetration of the surfaces to be connected, deforming the rearmost material in a way to securely attach the components. This rivet’s high-speed, quiet process is particularly suited to high-volume applications and requires no specific operator training.